solitary|solitaries in English


[sol·i·tar·y || 'sɑlɪtərɪ /'sɒlɪtrɪ]

recluse, one who lives far away from or avoids the society of others; one who lives alone for religious reasons, hermit; solitary confinement

Use "solitary|solitaries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "solitary|solitaries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "solitary|solitaries", or refer to the context using the word "solitary|solitaries" in the English Dictionary.

1. Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact; Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact

2. Alone (adj., adv.) "unaccompanied, solitary; without companions, solitary," c

3. Tigers are solitary animals.

4. They are primarily solitary.

5. Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact

6. Put Mr. Lucas in solitary.

7. to be in solitary confinement.

8. She enjoys long solitary walks.

9. Writing is a solitary pastime.

10. He was a solitary child.

11. Cuttlefish are generally solitary animals

12. He led a solitary life.

13. He's in solitary for the weekend.

14. His childhood was repressed and solitary.

15. He led a rather solitary existence.

16. Anthozoans are colonial or solitary organisms

17. Guard misconduct, overuse of solitary confinement.

18. She goes for long solitary walks.

19. She leads a very solitary life.

20. He spent two weeks in solitary.

21. He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.

22. His evenings were spent in solitary drinking.

23. In the distance was a solitary building.

24. My days of solitary confinement were over.

25. The arch - criminal was kept solitary confinement.